TaylorFit Wellness

022 Charlie Morley - Lucid Dreaming Expert and Author of "Wake Up To Sleep"

Frances Taylor

00:00:45 meet Charlie Morely
00:02:40 Wake Up To Sleep(affiliate link)
00:11:00 Best Practice for PTSD Treatment in Veterans
00:11:09 Veterans Yoga Project in Oakland
00:12:45 Yin Yoga
00:13:45 Addressing Deep Seated Trauma
00:14:40 Body and intra-pshychic world of dreams as the Best way to find integrate and release trauma
00:16:05 Keep a Nocturnal Journal
00:16:30 How Stress or Trauma Affects Specific States of Sleep
00:18:00 Know how stress and trauma affect sleep
00:20:15 Sleep Walking/Talking and Night Terrors Can Be Signs of Brain Growth
00:22:35 Nightmares Can Be a Sign of Healing
00:23:35 A nightmares like a scab, essential to our healing process
00:24:15 Three Ways Trauma can be Integrated
00:25:10 Dreams in Prehistoric Times and Threat Simulation Theory
00:27:10 Dreaming and Absence of norepinephrine
00:28:00 Safe Mode for Your Brain As You Dream
00:31:35 When Nightmares are a Good Sign
00:32:05 Sharing Dreams as Healing
00:32:40 Sharing Your Dreams Raises Empathy Levels
00:33:00 Download and Discharge the Emotional Trace of Dreams and Increase Wellbeing
00:35:19 Anxiety Dreams are Like Fire Drills and Can Give You A Neurological Advantage
00:37:30 Classic Yoga Teacher Nightmares
00:39:36  Western World Pathologizes Sleep
00:40:40 Back in the Days When We Went to Sleep When The Sun Went Down
00:41:30 Many May be Mis Diagnosed With Insomnia
00:42:25 Reverse Siesta
00:42:52 Research Says Almost Everyone Can Benefit From Napping
00:44:06 The difference Between a Nap and Yoga Nidra
00:46:10 Yoga Nidra Increases Parasympathetic Drive
00:47:25 What If You Feel Like You Are Not Dreaming?
00:47:50 The Brain Prioritizes Dreaming
00:48:25 Sleep Torture Taking Away Dreams
00:49:00 Set The Intention To Remember Your Dreams
00:50:19 When Using A Sleep Tracker Goes Wrong
00:51:30 Tips TonTake Away Today
00:51:49 Keep a Nocturnal Journal
00:53:00 Rest The Bridge Between Wakefulness and Sleep
00:53:42 Breathe
00:55:23 charliemorley.com
00:55:32 on instagram @charlie_morley_lucid_dreaming
00:55:34 Find Charlie Morley on
00:56:35 Special Bonus Free Online Yoga Class (for a limeied time)
00:56:38 Come to Yoga and be Entered to WIn A Copy Of Charlie's Book

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0:45 Meet Charlie Morley

2:40 Wake Up To Sleep(affiliate link)

11:00 Best Practice for PTSD Treatment in Veterans

11:09 Veterans Yoga Project in Oakland

12:45 Yin Yoga

13:45 Addressing Deep Seated Trauma

14:40 Body and intrapshychic world of dreams as the Best way to find integrate and release trauma

16:05 Keep a Nocturnal Journal

16:30 How Stress or Trauma Affects Specific States of Sleep

18:00 Know How Stress and Trauma Affects Sleep

20:15 Sleep Walking/Talking and Night Terrors Can Be Signs of Brain Growth

22:35 Nightmares Can Be a Sign of Healing 

24:15 Three Ways Trauma can be Integrated

25:10 Dreams in Prehistoric Times and Threat Simulation Theory

27:10 Dreaming and Absence of norepinephrine

28:00 Safe Mode for Your Brain As You Dream

31:35 When Nightmares are a Good Sign

32:05 Sharing Dreams is Healing

32:40 Sharing Your Dreams Raises Empathy Levels 

33:00 Download and Discharge the Emotional Trace of Dreams and Increase Wellbeing

35:19 Anxiety Dreams are Like Fire Drills and Can Give You A Neurological Advantage

37:30 Classic Yoga Teacher Nightmares

39:36 Western World Pathologizes Sleep

40:40 Back in the Days When We Went to Sleep When The Sun Went Down

41:30 Many May be Mis Diagnosed With Insomnia

42:25 Reverse Siesta 

42:52 Research Says Almost Everyone Can Benefit From Napping

44:06 The difference Between a Nap and Yoga Nidra

46:10 Yoga Nidra Increases Parasympathetic Drive

47:25 What If You Feel Like You Are Not Dreaming?

47:50 The Brain Prioritizes Dreaming

48:25 Sleep Torture Taking Away Dreams

49:00 Set The Intention To Remember Your Dreams

50:19 When Using A Sleep Tracker Goes Wrong

51:30 Tips To Take Away Today

51:49 Keep a Nocturnal Journal

53:00 Rest The Bridge Between Wakefulness and Sleep

53:42 Breathe

55:23 charliemorley.com

55:32 on instagram @charlie_morley_lucid_dreaming

55:34 Find Charlie Morley on Facebook

56:35 Special Bonus Free Online Yoga Class (for a limeied time)

56:38 Come to Yoga and be Entered to WIn A Copy Of Charlie's Book