TaylorFit Wellness

016 Jason Evans Lee - Super Fit Actor - On "Leaning Out" For A Role


00:00:57 Meet Jason Evans Lee
00:05:15 How do you "lean out" for a role?
00:07:57 Have Water In The Morning
00:10:25 Putting Together Effective Fitness Videos
00:17:15 What helps stay motivated to do the work?
00:18:08 Men's Health Magazine Article "Fit at Any Age Men In Their 40's"
00:19:08 True Grit, The Depth in Playing the "Bad Guy Roles"
00:20:10 Visualization. See Clearly What You Want
00:20:35 The Trick To Picking Out Wardrobe
00:21:35 NoelleKnight.com Amazing Artist and Bedrock
00:22:35 Discipline And Finances
00:24:25 "Primary Food" to help keep you on track
00:27:55 You Know What Works From Experience
00:28:17 Different Things Work For Different People
00:30:15 Train In A Fasted State
00:33:03 When Reaching Your Goal Backfires, Set More Goals!
00:33:30 Make Fitness Your Lifestyle
00:35:22 Kids Will Do What They See Their Parents Doing. Be The Example
00:38:30 Dance and Presence
00:38:52 Working With Michael Darrin Choreographer for Paula Abdul's Cold Hearted Snake
00:40:08 Camaraderie With Fellow Performers, Profound Friendships
00:41:20 How Dance Has Helped Develop Presence
00:44:50 Dehydration and Body Aches
00:45:30 Phone Timer As Water Reminder
00:46:25 Eating Clean
00:47:00 Artificial Sweeteners Depress You
00:47:40 The "Fat Free Farce"
00:48:10 Chinese Medicine Sweet Causes Dampness
00:48:55 Artificial Sweeteners And Insulin Spikes
00:49:30 OMG MSG!
00:51:55 Live Long For Your Children
00:54:10 "A Little Bit Of Discipline Goes A Long Way"
00:55:40 Tip For A Quick Win
00:56:23 Find Jason Evans Lee, on IMDb You Tube Twitter Instagram @jasonevanslee
00:58:30 Gary Oldman  
01:01:28 Free Download 5 Ways To Build Self Discipline on its way to www.taylorfitwellness.com soon

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00:00:57 Meet Jason Evans Lee
00:05:15 How do you "Lean Out" for a Role?
00:07:57 Have Water In The Morning
00:10:25 Putting Together Effective Fitness Videos
00:17:15 What helps stay motivated to do the work?
00:18:08 Men's Health Magazine Article "Fit at Any Age Men In Their 40's"
00:19:08 True Grit, The Depth in Playing the "Bad Guy Roles"
00:20:10 Visualization. See Clearly What You Want
00:20:35 The Trick To Picking Out Wardrobe
00:21:35 NoelleKnight.com Amazing Artist and Bedrock
00:22:35 Discipline And Finances
00:24:25 "Primary Food" to help keep you on track
00:27:55 You Know What Works From Experience
00:28:17 Different Things Work For Different People
00:30:15 Train In A Fasted State
00:33:03 When Reaching Your Goal Backfires, Set More Goals!
00:33:30 Make Fitness Your Lifestyle
00:35:22 Kids Will Do What They See Their Parents Doing. Be The Example
00:38:30 Dance and Presence
00:38:52 Working With Michael Darrin Choreographer for Paula Abdul's Cold Hearted Snake
00:40:08 Camaraderie With Fellow Performers, Profound Friendships
00:41:20 How Dance Has Helped Develop Presence
00:44:50 Dehydration and Body Aches
00:45:30 Phone Timer As Water Reminder
00:46:25 Eating Clean
00:47:00 Artificial Sweeteners Depress You
00:47:40 The "Fat Free Farce"
00:48:10 Chinese Medicine Sweet Causes Dampness
00:48:55 Artificial Sweeteners And Insulin Spikes
00:49:30 OMG MSG!
00:51:55 Live Long For Your Children
00:54:10 "A Little Bit Of Discipline Goes A Long Way"
00:55:40 Tip For A Quick Win
00:56:23 Find Jason Evans Lee, on IMDB You Tube Twitter Instagram @jasonevanslee
00:58:30 Gary Oldman  
01:01:28 Free Download 5 Ways To Build Self Discipline