TaylorFit Wellness

026 Dinneen Viggiano Founder of Retrain Back Pain

Frances Taylor

00:00:00 Meet Dinneen Viggiano

00:05:25 Sept 11 reassessment

00:06:05 Blue and Pink Priority Cards

00:09:00 Transition From Business World to Yoga World

00:12:20 Time Audit

00:15:22 The Creek Story From Clearing Leaves to Clearing Fascia

00:17:58 Cadaver Dissection with Julian Baker

00:18:46 Surgical Adhesions

00:20:00 Fascia Adhesions Analogy

00:21:52 Graston and Gua Shaw Tools Used to break up Fascial Adhesions

00:23:10 Using Neurokinetic Therapy Therapeutically With Scar Tissue

00:25:42 The Clearing Out Your House Analogy

00:30:58 Flow of Fascia

00:35:20 A Discussion on Spinal surgeries

00:36:40 Spinal Fusion

00:39:30 The Evolution of Retrain Back Pain

00:48:40 There’s Gotta Be Another Way to Help With Back Pain

00:50:20 20 Years Of Training All Rolled Up Into One Empowerment/Education Program

00:51:30 3 Core Elements: How you think, How you eat and How you move

00:55:10 Compounding Inflammatory Load

00:56:05 Stop Doing Stupid S#*t

00:57:00 A hydration and nutrition turn around

00:59:00 Other stressors to your spine

00:59:40 Move

00:59:50 Three dimensional core

01:00:50 Breathing tapping and myofascial release to Help Back Pain

01:01:18 Ten Minute Practice to Help Back Pain

01:01:55 When Students do too much

01:03:00 Owners Manual For Your Spine

01:03:30 Joseph Pilates Supple Spine as the Fountain of Youth

01:06:15 Quick Tip1 Stop Crossing Your Legs

01:07:35 Quick tip 2 Stop Sitting So Much

01:07:39 Quick Tip 3

01:09:15 Quick Tip 3 Great Space Saver for NYC Apartments Zero Gravity Lawn Chair

01:09:40 Quick Tip 4 Strengthen as well as Stretch

01:10:15 Find Dinneen www.retrainbackpain.com

01:10:24 Instagram @retrainbackpain https://www.instagram.com/retrainbackpain/

01:10:28 Facebook group retrain back pain https://www.facebook.com/groups/retrainbackpain

01:10:35 Online course https://www.retrainbackpain.com/back-rehab-boss

01:11:20 Reach out to Dinneen on IG DM https://www.instagram.com/retrainbackpain/

01:11:43 Free download “5 Simple Ways to Combat Too Much Sitting”


01:11:58 More free resources for You


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